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Are all cookies available Peanut and Tree-Nut Free?

Yes, ALL of the cookies in ALL of the categories (Nut-Free, Plant-Based and Gluten-Free) and completely Peanut and Tree-Nut Free!

Are Eddie G’s Cookies baked in a Peanut and Tree-Nut Free bakery?

Yes, we have strict rules preventing any item in the building from containing Peanut and Tree-Nut ingredients. Eddie G’s Cookies is a completely Peanut and Tree-Nut environment.

Are Eddie G’s Cookies baked in a Gluten-Free bakery?

No, we do use ingredients containing gluten in our bakery.  While we do the best we can to prevent cross contamination, we cannot 100% guarantee that our Gluten-Free cookies are baked in a gluten free environment.

When will my cookies ship?

If we receive your order Sunday-Wednesday we will ship your cookies within 24 hours. Due to the preservative-free nature of our products, we do not ship Friday-Sunday to make sure your cookies arrive as fresh as possible!